Do I Need Surgery for My Ingrown Toenail?
Ingrown Toenails can be extremely painful and debilitating and even minor problems can quickly flare into something much worse if left untreated. At Heal Focus Podiatry we have treated hundreds of ingrown toenails successfully over many years and unfortunately, many...
Let’s Talk About Warts
Warts are one of several lesser afflictions of the foot, which nevertheless can be quite painful. They are caused by a virus, which typically invades the skin through small cuts and abrasions. They are also called plantar warts as they appear most often on the plantar...
Painful feet stopping you?
If so, you need to see a podiatrist at Heal Focus Podiatry. Exercise & Fitness Goals After Christmas and New Year, when all the celebrations have concluded, it's not uncommon to want to set goals for the upcoming year. And most goals are around health and...
Why Shin Splints Happen in Netball
At Heal Focus Podiatry we treat a lot of netball players and a common problem many players experience in their career is shin soreness, and it doesn’t matter if they’re a seasoned professional or a weekend warrior. If you can relate to this problem, you need to take...
Pregnancy and Foot Pain
Women go through many common complaints throughout their pregnancy, and foot pain is one of the major complaints, and unfortunately are often overlooked. Due to natural weight gain during pregnancy, a woman's centre of gravity will alter, which places increased...
Helping Children Soar
Most people are unaware that many common adult foot problems manifest themselves in early childhood when the foot is still developing. Early detection can reduce the likelihood of it not becoming a bigger problem later in life. Bunions and Hammer Toes are two common...
Having Heel Spurs Is Not Super?
Did you know that no one, other than Superman, has x-ray vision? I’m sure this comes as no surprise, so the next time you’re told by a friend, a concerned family member (or a health professional) that you have a heel spur, and they are not wearing a red cape and...
Growing Pains – Fact or Fiction?
Your feet are one of your best assets in life and when pain or discomfort strikes, the limitations placed on your lifestyle can be tremendous and this also applies to your children. Painful feet in children can have a significant impact on their health and happiness....
Diabetes and your feet
Diabetes is a chronic disease due to a deficiency of the hormone insulin, produced by the pancreas. There are two main types of diabetes; Type 1, which is genetic and Type 2, which is strongly associated with lifestyle factors usually occurring in adults. Many may not...
Foot Self-Care for Diabetics
As a diabetic, there are many tips and hints to help manage and prevent foot complications occurring due to decreased nerve and or vascular function. When there is a loss of sensation due to neuropathy (nerve damage) simple injuries, like the ones listed below can...
So how fast do children’s feet actually grow?
When we treat a child with foot and leg pain at Heal Focus Podiatry, the treatment often includes exercises, footwear recommendations, and in some cases, custom-made arch supports (orthotics). Parents sometimes have a concern about costs and how long...
Reduce Your Injuries by First Understanding Footwear Cushioning
Footwear technology has come a long way over the past fifty or so years, yet many athletes and weekend warriors still get injured. There can be many reasons for this, but a common one we see at Heal Focus Podiatry is a lack of understanding on what makes one shoe...
Let us get to the bottom of your problem
call our clinic or book an appointment online.