Sesamoiditis is a common condition that causes pain in the ball of the foot, specifically under the big toe joint. The sesamoid bones are two small bones located under the big toe joint within the tendons that run to the end of the big toe.

Due to their location they are subjected to massive amounts of pressure every time the big toe is used to push you forward, especially with running.


Sesamoiditis typically starts as a mild ache under the big toe joint and gradually becomes worse. In some cases, it will cause intense throbbing pain even at rest. Once sesamoiditis starts, it is difficult to enjoy simple activities, even walking.

There is good news though. A person with normal feet rarely gets sesamoiditis, however, people with high arched or flat feet tend to be more prone to this problem.


After a full examination of your feet, legs and walking pattern, our Podiatrist will make a temporary support for your feet. This is done for two reasons. Firstly, to redirect weight away from the pain site, and secondly to modify how your foot functions in relation to the ground.

Most patients experience a considerable reduction in pain within the first 48-hours. If the temporary support works as expected, our podiatrist will then discuss the process of having a permanent, customised foot support (orthotic) made.

Immobilisation, rest, Ice and oral anti-inflammatory medication are also beneficial for this condition, however they work best when combined with customised orthotics.  

Customised Orthotics

The purpose of having customise orthotics is to control abnormal foot movement, while allowing normal movement to occur, which in turn will reduce the likelihood of sesamoiditis returning. 

Eliminating sesamoiditis means you can once again enjoy long walks and runs completely pain-free.


To see one our highly trained podiatrist with a special interest in forefoot pain, call 0401828001 or book online at